Category: hCG


What are growth factors?

A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation and cellular differentiation.  Usually it is a protein or a steroid hormone. Growth factors are important for regulating a variety of cellular processes.

Growth factors typically act as signaling molecules between cells. Examples are cytokines and hormones that bind to specific receptors on the surface of their target cells.  (

What does that mean?

Growth Factors are responsible for signaling our cells to make changes in our body, usually when repairing damaged cells or replacing dead cells.

How many growth factors are in the human placenta?

The human placenta contains potent amounts, over 128, rich growth factors.  Recent scientific research has shown that placenta is a rich healing and development agent for the body.  Inside the womb these growth factors are responsible for triggering cell mitosis (cell division) or the making of new cells.  Because the faetus grows at such a rapid rate many growth factors are needed to facilitate the growth process of the unborn baby’s organs, tissue, nerves, bones and the brain in such a short period of time.

Are growth factors necessary to heal after birth?

Yes, growth factors will play a large role in the bodies healing process after birth, however as we age our bodies produce less and less of these growth factors slowing our bodies natural regeneration processes.  As well, new mothers will be passing most of their body’s important nutrients to their new baby through the breast milk, leaving little nutrients for themselves. When the placenta is consumed after birth the rich growth factors give direct attention to damaged or developing tissue in the body, most importantly uterine, vaginal and breast tissue.  We believe these growth factors have a direct connection with the almost immediate slowing of blood loss after consumption of the raw placenta smoothie.  Mammals who consume the placenta never bleed after birth because they consume their entire placenta raw giving the body a large boost of the growth factors needed to heal the body completely and immediately.

What research has been done to prove these effects?

Mitogenic action of cytokines from placenta are shown to have physiological affects on the body including anti-inflammatory properties, regulation of the autonomous system, improvement of blood circulation, wound tissue healing, inhibition of protease, enhancement of nerve generation, balancing multiple hormone levels, immune boosting, analgesic effect and improvement of intestinal environment. (MFIII Human Placenta Injection, 2009)

Around the world many pharmaceutical companies are researching the benefits of using growth factors from human or animal placenta to aid in tissue regeneration.  MFIII Human Placenta Injection is sold on the Internet for a heavy price giving the public a chance to benefit from placenta extract for a wide range of health problems.  Famous footballers from UK premiership teams are being flown to countries like Switzerland and Serbia to have placenta injections to aid in the recovery process after serious injuries.  Placenta extract is also used in high end face creams and anti-aging balms and serums.

Research into placenta extract and the benefits of using growth factors for medicinal purposes is still ongoing however the benefits of using the placenta outside of the womb are now clear and only proves more why new mothers should consider keeping their rich organ for themselves.  After all, do we really know what the hospitals do with unwanted placentas???


Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released in a pulsatile manner that is dependent on circulating 17β-estradiol (E2) and glucose concentrations. However, the intrinsic conductances responsible for the episodic firing pattern underlying pulsatile release and the effects of E2 and glucose on these conductances are primarily unknown. Whole-cell recordings from mouse enhanced green fluorescent protein-GnRH neurons revealed that the KATP channel opener diazoxide induced an outward current that was antagonized by the sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) channel blocker tolbutamide. Single-cell reverse transcription (RT)-PCR revealed that the majority of GnRH neurons expressed Kir6.2 and SUR1 subunits, which correlated with the diazoxide/tolbutamide sensitivity. Also, a subpopulation of GnRH neurons expressed glucokinase mRNA, a marker for glucose sensitivity. Indeed, GnRH neurons decreased their firing in response to low glucose concentrations and metabolic inhibition. The maximum diazoxide-induced current was approximately twofold greater in E2-treated compared with oil-treated ovariectomized females. In current clamp, estrogen enhanced the diazoxide-induced hyperpolarization to a similar degree. However, based on quantitative RT-PCR, estrogen did not increase the expression of Kir6.2 or SUR1 transcripts in GnRH neurons. In the presence of ionotropic glutamate and GABAA receptor antagonists, tolbutamide depolarized and significantly increased the firing rate of GnRH neurons to a greater extent in E2-treated females. Finally, tolbutamide significantly increased GnRH secretion from the preoptic-mediobasal hypothalamus. Therefore, it appears that KATP channels and glucokinase are expressed in GnRH neurons, which renders them directly responsive to glucose. In addition, KATP channels are involved in modulating the excitability of GnRH neurons in an estrogen-sensitive manner that ultimately regulates peptide release.


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In the 1950s a quiet revolution in dieting began when Dr. A.T.W. Simeons published the results of a study the tracked the progress of participants who combined an extremely low calorie diet with a naturally occurring supplement called HCG. HCG injections for weight loss produced weight loss in the form of body fat reduction rather than lean tissue. With the results of his study, it became clear with HCG injections weight loss was achievable in a healthy way.

That was the ‘50s and clinics popped up to serve clients willing to pay for the shots and the medical staff to administer the injections, but this was a small percentage of dieters. Now HCG is widely administered through oral supplements and began to replace the HCG injections weight loss program

quite rapidly. What used to require a much larger investment of time and money has become available to the general public through the advances in the process by which the low dose of HCG is introduced to the body. The diet is still harsh; 500 calories a day for a brief period of time isn’t something that everyone will be able to achieve.

Unfortunately, the number of people going on crash diets is only increasing in this age of body image obsession and without a supplement like HCG to compel the body to let go of stubborn fat stores people are throwing their systems into a starvation mode that is ending up costing muscle, bone density, and even teeth in some cases, but rarely flab. After the dieter stops, they tend to gain much more weight than they lost because their metabolism is still reeling from the trauma and the fat stores are easier to maintain than muscle.

With the Simeons diet and HCG injections weight loss is possible. But now that oral supplements are available, shots are no longer the preferred method of administration.

HCG is naturally occurring in both women and men, and FDA approved for both. The hormone spikes during pregnancy in women, but what Dr. Simeons found was that even the slightest rise in level was enough to promote healthy fat loss.

With HCG, some people with more than 40 pounds or so to lose will repeat the diet after waiting for the body levels to get back to normal. But due to the fact that this particular diet leaves you with a better chemistry for future weight loss and maintenance, people often find that even if they still have more weight to lose it requires less effort and the desperation aspect has dissolved.